About Us

Two-time Harvey Award winning writer (2009/2010), Bryan J.L. Glass is the author of QUIXOTE: A NOVEL, writer/co-creator of FURIOUS with Victor Santos, and writer/co-creator of THE MICE TEMPLAR, SHIP OF FOOLS, and 86 VOLTZ: THE DEAD GIRL with Michael Avon Oeming. He has also adapted the Raymond E. Feist RIFTWAR series into graphic novel format for Marvel Comics. His other Marvel Comics work includes THOR: CROWN OF FOOLS, THOR: FIRST THUNDER and VALKYRIE (of the "Women of Marvel" series & collection).

Bryan was also founder of mereBreath Drama where he wrote and produced the original stage productions: ASYLUM, PERFECT JUSTICE, EDIFICE, SKIT, THE ESCHATON, and THE INNER ROOM.